ReAssess. ReCalibrate. ReVive.
ReAssess. ReCalibrate. ReVive. for the Holidays
Happy Holidays! Or Not?
Yes, this time of year is filled with celebrations, gatherings, good food and drink. And, you may already feel the busy-ness of scheduling travel logistics, shopping for the perfect holiday gifts for loved ones, friends and colleagues, and meal planning. As you approach the Holidays and New Year, you should be elated with excitement, joy, and anticipation… right? (If you’re not, maybe there’s a tinge of guilt?)
Well, the other side of this coin is sometimes the year-end crunch moving into the new year can cause a bit of stress to get it all done on time and done right. On top of that, maybe there are some family members, work associates, and even friends with whom you feel slightly on edge. Maybe you’ve exchanged a few less than pleasant words, texts, or emails and the thought of spending time with them feels challenging. You might be missing a special loved from your life this season.

Design Your Holiday Experience
What if you could feel more grounded, relaxed, peaceful, and ready to roll through this season into the New Year? Join me for an upcoming free webinar to do just that. Think of it as a gift you give to yourself… the gift of inner harmony and resilience of being more present and playful this Holiday Season.
Join me for my “Reassess. Recapture. Revive” webinar where I’ll give you tips and strategies to experience more of what makes you joyful this Holiday Season.
Simply provide your email, and I’ll send you a Zoom link to join us!