Come join us.
Every successful woman makes choices along her path. Sometimes it's important to step back, to recalibrate and realign with what truly matters in order to live an exquisite life on all levels.

I'm Reina Bach
After going through an “etch-a-sketch" experience losing a friend, I took a look at my life as a corporate executive. Outward success was not as fulfilling as I'd hoped. Something was missing. Finding myself again renewed my passion for life, raised my vitality and restored a deeper joy I had longed for over the years. I want to help you rediscover a deeper sense of fulfillment in your personal and professional life.
My 30+ years of corporate experience, thousands of hours coaching and developing leaders, MA in Psychology, coaching certifications from both Georgetown University and The Center for Creative Leadership are but a few foundational tools I use to help you recapture your zest – your joie de vivre, personally and professionally.
Good food and wine have always been a passion, though I started out as a waitress at Friendly's and a local diner in high school and college. So, I became a certified French chef and an Executive Sommelier… for me. I've always loved horses, though never spent a lot of time with them. They're majestic and mystical to me. They read people like a book, as I'm finding out now in my Gestalt Equine Institute of the Rockies program. I am honored to work with horses to help clients connect, to be better leaders and humans.
With all my heart, I want you to be the person you came here to be. Follow your passion. If it's missing, let me help you find your joie de vivre – professionally, personally, or both. If you're happy and fulfilled, those around will be as well. If you're looking to level up, then “level in". I'll help you look inside and find your zest, your passion, your rapture for living (as Joseph Campbell calls it).
I came to understand that I have more control over myself and the work situations than I was leveraging. That has allowed me to focus my efforts more strategically at work. When I was trying to anticipate and orchestrate everyone's involvement, I spent most of my energy in those efforts with little pay-off. Reina has the ability to lead you to the answers you need without telling you what they are. Her guidance and comments were key in discovering options and her guidance was superb when looking for the answers to "what makes the most sense" going forward. Reina was also enthusiastic and engaged in each session. I always felt as though I had her complete attention and concern during every session. Further, she always met me wherever I happened to be each week without pressure or judgment. Her optimistic nature motivated me to go after my best.
Teri Ellison
Director, The Securities and Exchange Commission
You gave me the forum to “solve” my own problems. I felt totally comfortable discussing anything and everything. Although there were times I would have liked to be given “the answer”, you instead asked questions that caused me to think it through for myself. You also held me accountable for actions/improvements. You were great about getting a commitment at the end of each session so I felt an obligation to work on things between our discussions.
Sherri Smith
CFO, Global Marketing Firm
Reina’s depth of perception on critical business issues and her knowledge of people, teams and organizations is exceptional. She is unmatched when it comes to insightfulness, creative problem-solving and her knack for understanding what is needed and when it should be delivered. Reina is an enjoyable, supportive colleague who always presents herself in a professional, polished and outstanding way. She is an excellent coach and is someone you would want to have on your team.
Jo Singel
Managing Partner, Jonathan Lawrence Associates (former VP Leadership & Knowledge Management at JP Morgan Chase Headquarters in NYC)
Reina made me feel like I could tackle anything and she created a feeling of calmness that didn't exist anywhere else in my life. To say that my coaching with Reina was life changing would be an understatement.
Cathie Wilkerson
President Technology Company
Reina Bach has made a profound impact on me as a developing female leader that is centered, with presence and confidence, and aligns my impact with my intent as a leader. I was able to immediately connect with Reina from our first meeting, and I leave each encounter with a deeper layer of growth. She has been a tremendous influence on me, and as I take moments to pause in my work or to face a challenge… I find myself channeling her inspiration.Reina is modest in saying she merely helps me hold up a mirror to reflect on myself, but really, she guides me to see things from a different perspective in a way that is profound and moving. Reina exudes a natural gift in coaching and draws on an impressive array of tools and skills, that are helping me align holistically in all areas of life, beyond professional impact, making me feel whole as a person.
Kristina Vencill, SPHR
Senior HR Manager, HR Operations and Strategy - City of Fort Collins
I had the blessing of the opportunity to work with an Executive Coach while I was a leader in The Boeing Company. Little did I know it would change my life forever. Reina Bach was the Coach I settled on after an interview process. Our philosophies in life, her ease in her approach and her skill set as a coach are what won me over. She helped me stop looking in the rear view mirror and focus on what I wanted in life and my uniqueness in the world. She taught me that leadership is an inward journey and not an outward one. If you are ready to own your life and do the inward work to create the life you want for yourself, Reina Bach is the partner you want to show you the way. I cannot recommend her highly enough. My life is filled with joy and happiness every day and Reina and our work together are a big part of the reason why.
Andy McDowell
Leadership/Business Coach