About Reina

Come join us.

Every successful woman makes choices along her path. Sometimes it's important to step back, to recalibrate and realign with what truly matters in order to live an exquisite life on all levels.


I'm Reina Bach

After going through an “etch-a-sketch" experience losing a friend, I took a look at my life as a corporate executive. Outward success was not as fulfilling as I'd hoped. Something was missing. Finding myself again renewed my passion for life, raised my vitality and restored a deeper joy I had longed for over the years. I want to help you rediscover a deeper sense of fulfillment in your personal and professional life.

My 30+ years of corporate experience, thousands of hours coaching and developing leaders, MA in Psychology, coaching certifications from both Georgetown University and The Center for Creative Leadership are but a few foundational tools I use to help you recapture your zest – your joie de vivre, personally and professionally.

Good food and wine have always been a passion, though I started out as a waitress at Friendly's and a local diner in high school and college. So, I became a certified French chef and an Executive Sommelier… for me. I've always loved horses, though never spent a lot of time with them. They're majestic and mystical to me. They read people like a book, as I'm finding out now in my Gestalt Equine Institute of the Rockies program. I am honored to work with horses to help clients connect, to be better leaders and humans.

With all my heart, I want you to be the person you came here to be. Follow your passion. If it's missing, let me help you find your joie de vivre – professionally, personally, or both. If you're happy and fulfilled, those around will be as well. If you're looking to level up, then “level in". I'll help you look inside and find your zest, your passion, your rapture for living (as Joseph Campbell calls it).


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